Friday, November 13, 2009


We finally got our engagement photos taken it was so so so much fun! I am just that much more excited about our wedding! Our photographer was so so much fun! And she is just so adorable! I don't know how well they will turn out and my outfit was a little awkward cause I had to improvise cause we were so far away from home. But they are gonna be cute no matter what cause Brett is just adorable... I think all of our pictures we were kissing. It was funny cause she would tell us to look at each other and we'd do it and giggle and nuzzle then end up kissing. But they were cute.
We took our photos at MEMORY GROVE in SLC and it was so pretty and it was actually a nice day, we thought it was going to be overcast but it ended up being beautiful! :)
I can't wait to see how they turn out after the editing!!!

Oh and on a happy note I get my wedding dress sometime next week!!!!

Its fitting together all nice and neat. YAY!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I finally got my engagement ring back! yay and its new and unaltered so there should be no more problems. My wedding dress on the other hand I am very upset about. It's been almost a month since she lost it and I haven't heard a thing so I call her up to ask her about it tell her that I live in Idaho now and that we need the dress asap so we can make the sleeve alterations and any other alterations we might need to make. She tells me she'll see what she can do about getting it done but she says the woman making my dress is too busy with a bridal showcase to finish my dress............. hmmm anyone else see something wrong with the logic in this???? Yes I feel more comfortable about what the quality of my dress will be knowing the maker is in a bridal showcase but at the same time they already messed up once.... this is my wedding not just another thing she is taking on...

Nothing I can do about that but vent.

Other than that Brett and I have been doing really well... his friends have been driving me up a wall... We live together and feel like we are always surrounded by people and haven't had time alone for the last week or so. It's smothering.

On a funny note people who live in Idaho are crazy.... People say Utah drivers are bad... I have almost gotten into 4 or 5 car accidents in the last month on small streets in Twin.... I am by no means a perfect driver... anyone can agree to that... but as far as drivers in Idaho I am a much safer driver.

Question for all you married people out there: As a newly wed would you move into a house with your 2 sisters your sisters husband and your 3 neices and nephews?

Thats the dilemma we are facing.... cheaper rent... but no privacy... it wouldn't be separate parts of a house it would be shared living space.

What do you think?

I love my sisters and the kids and my bro in law but as newly weds I don't think that is going to be a healthy place to start out. I feel like it will cause more issues than help. Plus think of how Brett would feel about it... it's my family not his, he's not used to the way they are and how close we are. I think it would be awkward to live in a house of people he barely knows.

The honeymoon is in the process of being planned: a road trip up the california coast. I'm excited. The wedding is in less that 2 months its getting down to crunch time. We take engagement photos Friday hopefully we'll get to design our announcements by next week get them ordered and get them mailed by December 1st. I think the plan for my Bridal shower is Dec 5th. My sisters are planning it.

I feel like everything is coming together quite nicely and I am excited for the end product. Haha if anyone has any ideas for gifts for the wedding party let me know.

Hopefully we will get to see you all soon. I feel super secluded living up here in the middle of no where. I am definitely missing familiar faces.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finally at a computer I can use!

These are bobcats cuddled together.
The sign said they were loner animals...
Do they look like they hate the company of another?

Just Brett and me after our Zoo adventure.

We're in a TREE!

He really didn't want a picture taken in the tree... TOO BAD

I'm a Tank~ see those muscles.
I don't even where shoes!

The log that monkey is carrying is bigger than him!

It was cold and sleepy!

We liked the pelicans... one was eating a fish... and looked like it was choking.
Reminded me of Finding Nemo

Marsupial its so cute~

This was THE cutest animal at the zoo.
An albino porcupine

He should be a zoo tour guide doncha think?

I would not be a very good Vana White.

Our heads covered the sign.. but.. we're at the Willow Park Zoo!
This is a really pretty and BIG eagle

He's a cute Monkey!

So those are all the zoo pics.

I finally got all moved out and in.
Thanks to my Dad, Hailey, and Brett! I love you guys!

Twin Falls is the same as any other podunk Idaho city...
Maybe a little less podunkish but still it's working on it.

Working at Target is quite boring and kinda remedial I think...
But what was I expecting it is retail!

I think I only am thinking this cause I miss my old work,
And my family and all my friends.

Living here is great... minus the Brother in Law who includes himself in everything..
Even that nice celebratory dinner that Brett planned for the two of us...

We'll definitely be good with kids...
His brother is our first child...
Maybe we can teach him some manners and how to clean up after himself...
That could be a stretch though!

Well I miss you all!

Twin Falls really isn't that bad...
I am just bored and very partial to Utah.

And being able to see Brett everyday makes it worth it. :D

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Was boring as all get out!
So I have been slowly realizing... people from Idaho are freaking crazy!
They get really offended really easily and most of their brain activity seems to be lacking..
Mind you this is not everyone... but a lot of the people I have been meeting since I learned I was moving up!
So when Brett came down last week we went to the zoo and the park right by Willow Park Zoo. It was so so so much fun! We did take pictures and as soon as I find the stupid cable that goes to my camera there will be lots of pic-a-tures!
I officially move up on Saturday, I moved up most of my stuff yesterday which is strange cause now I have almost nothing of my own at my apartment in Logan!
The wedding dress is being remade still so I don't expect to see it for a month or more.
No news on when I get my engagement ring back...
Which brings me to engagements... which I think are never going to get done!
We are not elloping... we thought about it, talked about it, and both want a real wedding.
And I start work at Target (silent 'T') on Sunday.
Well thats about it for the soon the be Bowen Family for now!

Oh yeah I might end up killing my future Bro In Law...
I love him... but I can't live with him... it will drive me crazy!
The end.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I... Got... The...

I am so so so so so excited! Oh my dear. I get to move up and be with my man!!!! We are ecstatic! Now our next job will be finding a new apartment, his brother is currently living with us, and locating my wedding dress!
But its finally about time that everything started looking up and working out. I am so so so excited!
So that was just the update. more to come soon!!! And pictures!

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Wedding Dress

I am having my dress custom made for me... and it sounded like a good idea at the time but things keep going wrong... THE POST OFFICE LOST MY WEDDING DRESS! Seriously? I am so flustered at this very moment cause it is kinda important. So the lady making my dress is making a new one and it is going to be another 6 weeks before I see it... And it better look damn good or I am going to be pissed off... like the biggest bridezilla ever cause it is kinda important that I have my dress and that it fits and that it looks good! So it better or I am going to beat someone in the face! Grr! I am literally on the verge of tears... it just seems to be one thing after another.

Sorry to complain.. but I am extremely pissed off right now!

The Broncos!! :D

The Broncos won yesterday!!! I never thought I would get into sports but my boy is extremely persistent and persuasive. They are 3 and 0 this season... which is really good! And even more extraordinary for them! So we are excited! I thought I would just let everyone know... although it was an uneventful game Broncos won the Raiders 23 to 3!! Woot Woot! :D

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Two Weeks????

So I went in to speak with my manager and to keep her posted on the Target interview I said they would get back to me within a week to let me know if everything checked out ( drug test, background check, and my wedding date with other employees time off.) I told Michelle this and she was like so I'll take this as your two weeks notice... What if I don't get the job.... I am so confused... so as long as everything with Target works out my last day at America First in the Wal Mart will be 2 weeks from yesterday...

I hope I get the job...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Oh and Another Thing

After a battle with the jeweler we have convinced them that they never want to see Brett and I in their store again for problems with my engagement ring so they are taking out my diamond and making a brand new setting in size 7. Yes! But I feel so naked without my ring and want it back pronto... it better not take the full 2 weeks that they quoted to me.

And my wedding dress is done and ready to pick up as soon as she talks to the post office! I am so freaking excited!

And for those of you who I told we were doing engagements next week, guess how brilliant I am... How am I supposed to get pictures celebrating my engagement without my ENGAGEMENT RING! Yup my adorable fiance pointed that out to me... Yeah...

And if anyone has cute scrapbooking ideas let me know. I need to get some ideas so I can get going on our scrapbook sign in book.

Near Death Experience

Wednesday after my interview Brett and I decided to go bowling. It was a ton of fun! Even though he totally kicked by butt, both games we played. To illustrate how bad a bowler I am I will just tell you that I dropped the ball... behind me.... while trying to bowl, it was sad.

Anyway on our way home from bowling Brett and I were jamming out to the radio and just cruising along in Twin and we were coming up on an intersection. Our light was green so we just kept chugging along. In the turn lane facing us is a black escalade. We are very near the intersection and the escalade just decides to turn left without even paying attention. They are not going to clear it and we are going to T bone them... I start screaming a few explitives and BRETT BRETT BRETT THAT CAR BRETT. Brett using his pro driving skill swerves the car expertly to the left and misses the back of the escalade and not flipping the jeep. Then pulls back to the right into our correct lane on the opposite side of the intersection without even hitting the median... I pretty much peed my pants... Thank goodness there were no cars going straight through that light opposite of us cause I would have gotten hit and died. It was the scariest thing of my entire life! I HATE IDAHO DRIVERS!!!

But that was my near death experience, guess it wasn't too near, my life didn't even flash before my eyes. Haha thanks to Brett's expert driving we didn't die.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Possible Job

I have been applying everywhere up in Twin Falls so that I can move up there before the wedding. I am a planner and a stresser as Brett will tell anyone cause that's all I do so I am looking early so as not to get caught up and not have a job. SO in my search of a job I applied online to Target... not the greatest job, but a job none the less.... We are really rooting for me to get it. So keep your fingers crossed I am. Also if you know anyone looking for a room in Logan I need to sell my contract if I get this job!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This Blog

Is about me and my soon to be hubby. The date is set for January 8th and we couldn't be more excited! umm... background info I am 19 years old, yes a little young to be getting married, and grew up in Riverton. Brett, my adorable fiance, also grew up mostly in Riverton. We met in marching band at our high school I was 14 and he was 16 and we instantly liked each other... but he was a chicken and never asked me out, just kidding, kinda. So 5 years later here we are. We started dating in July and were in engaged by August... whoa buddy we move fast huh? But we're in love not much else we can do but follow our instincts and dive in head first!