Friday, February 4, 2011

Sawyer's 3 Months Old!

I know that I'm a week late in this update haha!

Last Friday our beautiful daughter turned 3 months old! Oh my she is such a character! Her personality shows more and more everyday!! She now coos and almost giggles (she gave me some real giggles when she had the flu a couple weeks ago, but it hasn't been heard since :( !)I fall in love with her more and more everyday and Brett misses her like crazy!! Sawyer is so anxious to grow up, she tries to crawl away when she does tummy time, it is so cute she can scoot about 6 inches! And she rolls from her tummy to her back, and has rolled from her back to her tummy a few times but she still struggles getting her bony little elbows out of the way! She has gotten so tall but still not chubby (I like to pretend her skin creases are fat rolls on her thighs). She weighed in at 12 lbs when I took her in for a fever of 101.6 and had the flu! Shes learning how to use her hands and deliberately hits the rattle on her floor gym with her hands and feet! She will put her clothes and hands in her mouth, and she drools like crazy! She is still learning how to maneuver them so she still doesn't reach for toys or anything else.

We are so excited to go to Brett's graduation from basic! We fly to SC on Tues, I'm nervous about the plane ride with Sawyer, but I'm still so excited! He graduates on Thurs!